♡ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Health🍬 Glucose: Fasting:
Date: ---- 🟥 Blood Pressure:
Date: ---- 🪽 Weight: Fasting:
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HealthLog's latest commit CID: Detailed Commit CID variants:
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Latest commit CID (with sha1): Git commit CIDs' feature powered by 01VCS' git-meta v2. |
⏺️🖭🗣️🎵 RecordingsCID of the latest (as of May 04 2024) Files of interest: The above 3 files have been stored immutably bellow: ⛓️💥🌳💎 Blockchain Registration: 💡 Why the root folderstamp is important: this represents the root hash/CID, so if a recording of my routine is manipulated, it will differ from the hash of the .folderstamp* that included it, so affecting the .root.folderstamp that includes the hash/CID of all of these .folderstamps. For the above to stay true, considering no recording was damaged, it is of utmost importance preserving my ℹ️ What recordings are being protected: all from 2024-2023, most from 2022-2021, some from 2020-2019, few from 2017. None from 2018 and 2016 due to a Seagate 2TB external HDD bought in 2017 left appropriated by a landowner in Curitiba - PR. Some from 2017 and most from 2020-2019's recovery will depend on having time to work on restoring data from a lot of DVDs and Blurays I've used in 2019-2021, which were attempted to have ensured integrity through the MoAD/BoAD projects, which I want to resume->improve/renew sometime. Thankfully nowadays I got myself more experienced in data preserving, so the 2024-2019 files shouldn't have the same "luck" of the 2018-2016 ones. Please note this process has not been automated yet - unlike the Health card in the left. |
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Important: the auto-update feature isn't fully built, yet (although most of the progress has been achieved internally already).
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